Starting a business is exciting! We’ve heard the saying “If you can believe it, you can achieve it”.
While that saying is true, I’m a firm believer that you won’t achieve ALL of your goals on your own. Sure, you can start building your audience, grow your email list and begin creating your product, but how do you know when you’re ready to hire a virtual assistant?
A Virtual Assistant is so much more than someone that checks your email and schedules a flight here and there. No sir-y! The world of VAs has expanded into so many facets of the business world.
So, how do you know when you’re ready to hire a VA?
Step One: Evaluate your work load.
Where are you spending most of your time?
Write down every minute that you are spending on your business. This will allow you to budget your time . If you’re “overspending” in one or more areas, it’s probably time to enlist help.
The goal of a Virtual Assistant is to lighten your workload. Once you’re free to do what you do best, you’ll see the return on your investment.
Step Two: Evaluate your income.
This one is hard for me, because I don’t like to talk numbers. Math makes my head hurt, which is why hiring an accountant was one of my best decisions!
It’s important that you don’t avoid this piece. It may not be easy, but take some time to evaluate where you’re at financially. This will determine the level of VA that you’re able to hire.
I’ve designed my company to create long lasting working relationships, so if you’re in the market to hire a VA for an indefinitely, then it’s important to know that you have a steady stream of income so that you don’t panic at the first of each month, worrying that the money won’t be there.
In some instances, you can hire a VA for specific projects. Committing to, say a 3 month project, may be a little easier for you to chew. I get it!
Whatever your expense level, be sure that you are willing to commit to the monthly investment.
You VA is totally worth it!
Step Three: Get ready to let go.
It’s more than a Disney song! You have to prepare yourself for this part!
Many clients that I talk to are initially eager to pass the reigns over to someone completely capable. However, in reality, it isn’t that simple! I know, because I’m an entrepreneur just like you! It’s difficult to give someone control over your baby business.
Even though it’s difficult, what I can tell you is that when you relinquish control into the capable hands of someone else, you will flourish! You’ll feel the sweet relief of lost time, now found again. Suddenly, the things you didn’t have time for are now back on your calendar.
Allowing a VA to work within their expertise gives you the ability to feel creative again.
Who knows, you may come up with 3 new product ideas within a day!
So, are you ready to hire a VA?
After you’ve evaluated your business, contact my team! We would love to learn more about your business and how we can serve you!