Chances are, your Facebook feed has been flooded with the annual “Thankful Posts”. I’ve participated in years past. It was fun to sit down each day and write something I was thankful for. Though I didn’t write thankful posts each day on Facebook this year, I thought I’d take time to write 30 things I’m thankful for.
Thankfulness looks different for each of us.
Regardless of how different our lists may look, it’s important to keep thankfulness at the forefront of our minds. Now and all year long.
1. My Husband
Ya’ll! (I’ve been in the south for a while, so it’s now a permanent part of my vocabulary!) I have the most patient husband in the world. He takes care of me, believes in me and loves me. He has stood by my side for the past 15 years and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
2. My Kids
Never in a million years could I have imagined loving 4 human beings as much as I do. My girls are my heart!
3. Adoption
I never understood how beautiful adoption was until I experienced it for myself. They are ours and we are theirs. Forever!
4. Jesus 
I couldn’t get through a day without Him. I may cuss a little, but I know He loves me despite my downfalls.
5. Religious freedom
I love that we live in a country that allows us religious freedom. While we may not agree, we can agree to disagree.
6. My Clients
This may sound cliche’, but I mean this with the truest sincerity. I’m amazed by the clients I have the opportunity to serve.
7. Priority VAs
Over the past few years, I’ve had the privilege of growing my team to 50+ VAs. Each VA brings a special skill set to the table and work hard to reflect PVA in a positive light.
8. My core team
I don’t want to brag, but my team is better than yours! Okay, so maybe that was bragging!! All joking aside, the team that I’ve surrounded myself with are top players. I know they have my back and want the best for my business.
9. Modern medicine
Without the benefits of modern medicine, I’d be a hot mess! ‘Nuff said!
10. My home
Often times, I take this for granted. On my way to bed and as I turn off the last light in my home, I’m thankful for the love that these 4 walls hold.
11. The beach 
Life doesn’t get better than when I’m on the beach. Salty air, crashing waves and sand between my toes. I can’t get enough!
12. Business
I love being a business owner! To watch something that started as a dream blossom into a thriving business that is much bigger than I could have imagined brings on the ugly cry!
13. Books
I recently set a goal for myself to read more. I love the power of words. How they inspire me, teach me and spur me on to greatness.
14. Technology
With the help of technology, I’ve built a business, worked with some of the best business minds in the world and met some of my closest friends and confidants. Thanks, tech!
15. Sunshine
Nothing can bring a mood up better than some good old fashioned Vitamin D!
16. Kickboxing 
I recently rekindled my love for kickboxing. Punching that bag brings me more joy than you’ll ever know!
17. My Mentors
I never want to be the smartest person in the room. I’m thankful for people that take time to pour into my life and my business.
18. Coffee
Coffee is my love language! #truth
19. My network
Sometimes it’s just dumb luck, sometimes it’s who you know. Regardless of how the connections happen, I’ve had the privilege of meeting some of the most brilliant people on the planet.
20. This is us
All. The. Feels. If you haven’t watched This Is Us yet, it’s a must! Cancel your Tuesday night plans, DVR it, stream it… I don’t care how you do it, just watch it! You’ll love it!
21. Lipless
If laughter is the best medicine, then you NEED this game. I haven’t laughed so hard in my life!
22. Encouragers
Years ago, I didn’t believe that I needed a cheerleader. I’ve come to realize that I do need key people in my corner to encourage me. No pom-poms needed!
23. Logical thinkers
I’m a dreamer, so I need people around me that will bring my feet back to the ground and help me create a plan that makes sense.
24. Airplanes
Orville and Wilbur must have known how much I would dislike road trips. I love that I can jet from coast to coast in a matter of hours.
25. Gut checks
When in doubt, I always trust my gut. It’s never let me down!
26. Chili Cheese Fries
Have you had chili cheese fries? It’s why I have to kickbox!
27. Creativity
I love the beauty that creativity brings. Whether it’s watching my daughter perfect her photography skills or my team design a marketing plan. Every plan, every skill requires creativity.
28. Breath
I’m training myself to take time to breathe.
29. Conversations
I love getting to know people. Not just on the surface, but what is going on in their minds.
30. Cameras
My kids are only little for so long. Someday I’ll look back on the moments I’m capturing now and cherish them. If you aren’t taking a million pictures now, start today! In the years to come, you’ll thank yourself.
What are you thankful for?
Take time this week to write down 30 things you’re thankful for. At first it may seem overwhelming, but once you get started, it will be hard to stop.
You may find it therapeutic and who doesn’t need a little free therapy every now and then?!