Are you tired of your perfectionism killing your productivity?
Many leaders think that hold near-perfect standards for their work, and the work of their team, is admirable.
Unfortunately, perfectionism is actually making you a bottleneck to getting work done and hitting your goals.
This post will help you overcome your perfectionism as a leader so you can delegate, find momentum and scale.
Reserve perfectionism for high-value tasks
Not everything you do requires 100% of your effort all the time. We like to tell leaders to reserve their perfectionism for high-value tasks. That means low-value tasks, like inbox management, appointment setting, content creation etc., can be delegated to someone else who can give it their best effort…not yours.
This frees your time to invest in high-value tasks like editing the manuscript of your book, preparing a keynote presentation or investing in coaching calls with clients.
Delegate to scale
Many leaders let perfectionism get in the way of their productivity. Instead of being a bottleneck, they should delegate to their team members so they can gain momentum, scale and reach goals.
It’s not always necessary that you do every task yourself, nor is it productive for your team to wait on you while they can be doing other deliverables.
There are 10 tasks you can delegate right away to free up your schedule to focus on work that is worth your time (strategic planning, vision casting, sales calls, speaking gigs).
Empower your team
Now that you’ve spent time freeing up your schedule, the onus is on you to empower your team to own their role and do work on your behalf.
This means: no micromanaging, no hovering. If you delegate something to a team member or assistant, give them your standard of success. Equip them with any necessary SOPs, then give them space to actually do the work.
The more you can instill confidence in their team that they can do work well, the more empowered they will feel. This will make them more confident and less afraid to do work outside of their comfort zone.
Perfectionism is a cycle that can be disrupted when you work with trusted team members. If you need help learning who you need beside you so you can delegate more often and with confidence, schedule a strategy call today.