My speaking career (if we dare call it that) began when I attended Ken Davis’ Conference six years ago in Colorado. I had to prepare a five-minute talk in advance, and then present it to a group of eight people I’d never met before. I worked so hard on it, diligently preparing and memorizing it as best I could… this was it… my first shot at public speaking and I was freaked out, to say the least!
I never knew how hard it was to memorize 5 minutes of content before that talk.
Afterward, I got tore apart (in a good way), learned the fundamentals of public speaking and did a couple more talks during that workshop.
I’d done pretty well, but never imagined I’d actually go on to speak on multiple stages in the next couple of years ranging from topics like adoption and foster care issues, how to outsource and work with a virtual team, and even telling my “worst day ever” story.
I’ve also been interviewed on nearly 50 podcasts, which until recently never even considered them speaking gigs.
Yet, I found myself still incredibly nervous the days leading up to any talk, and especially those final moments before I walked on stage.
“Why, why, why do I freak out?”, I’ve wondered several times this year.
You see, I’ve learned a lot since that first event in Colorado; about how to craft a talk, how to use my hands, have great stage presence and to actually weave in stories and jokes that don’t sound scripted.
But it’s the “how to sell from the stage” part, (which still, I have to admit, feels really really strange), that tended to throw me into to panic mode.
That’s why I’ve embarked on a journey this year to learn how to use a talk to actually drive revenue in my business in the most authentic way possible. That’s code for not looking like I’m asking people to run to the back of the room to sign up for junk they must have or it’ll be gone in 3 minutes.
What I’ve discovered is remarkably easy to implement, however, very strategic in nature. Ever the formula and framework lover, I am going to share with you, over the next few weeks, some of the most fascinating takeaways I’ve had recently that will help you with your speaking opportunities, too.
Don’t have any, you say?
Oh, dear friend, I’ve got some surprises in store for you!
Follow along with me, as I share with you the ups and downs of my foray into public speaking and how you can use a speaking platform to catapult your business, too.
I can’t wait to share what I’ve discovered.