How To Cure Your Biggest Aches and Pains In Business - Priority VA

How To Cure Your Biggest Aches and Pains In Business

I may not be a licensed physician but I cure some of your biggest aches and pains.

While I can’t give you a cure for the common cold, though I would suggest a Hot Toddy, I can give you something that will make your shoulder less achy and get rid of that headache!

What is this miracle, you ask?

It’s a Virtual Assistant.

If you’ve hit six figures in your business, I can guarantee that you can benefit from the support of a Virtual Assistant.

Identify Your Pain Points

If you’ve been to the doctor for any kind of pain, they ask you to let them know exactly where it hurts. Sometimes you have to describe your level of pain by pointing black and white faces on a sheet of paper ranging from a grimace to a happy face.

As ridiculous as it seems, this is as simple as it needs to be. There isn’t a scientific formula you need to describe the pain, you simply need to let them know where it hurts and how badly.

When you hire a VA, you first need to know where you’re experiencing pain. What is it about your business that keeps you up at night? Are you eating antacids like candy?

You must identify what it is that is causing the stress in your business and outsource it. Perhaps you’re not so techy and have put off website updates because it’s too time- consuming. In other cases, I’ve talked with entrepreneurs who are needing to grow their email list but don’t have the strategy in place, no the time to implement one.

Regardless of what is keeping you up at night, determine what it is and reach out for help.

Agree to a solution

I’ve watched all too often, business owners who are looking for a solution, but can’t seem to settle on one that will work for them. Instead of waiting around for a solution to fall from the sky, take initiative and pick one!


There are times when plans and procedures fall into place, and hiring a VA will help that along, but you aren’t going to move the needle of your business until you agree to a solution.

Remember, you don’t have to solve all of your problems at once. Pick the area that is most painful now, find a solution and move to the next one. You won’t have much luck solving multiple pains unless you locate the most critical.

Stick with it

Once you’ve decided to hire a VA, stick with it!

All too often, business owners want instant results. While that would be nice, you must give your VA time to implement the change and truly give you the results you’re expecting.

I usually tell my clients to give it 90 days before they make any decisions. This gives your VA time to learn your business, your communication style and understand your voice.

As you stick with your VA through the first 90 days, you’ll watch the relationship form and begin to see the results you’ve so desperately wanted.

Are you stressed? Do you feel that twinge in your shoulders and neck every time you sit down at your desk? It hurts! I’ve been there.

I want to hear about the pain you’re experiencing in business. Let’s start the conversation here.

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