In a matter of days, friends and family will come together to celebrate one another and the things in life they’re thankful for. Thanksgiving is, after all, designated as a seasonal reminder to appreciate where you’ve come from, what you’ve overcome, and where you’re headed. It’s a season of gratitude.
Entrepreneurs, while their struggles in building business sometimes grow more gray hairs than tribe numbers, are often grateful for the lessons they’ve learned over the course of their business’ life. In our own business, we’ve of course faced challenges and unexpected changes. But we’ve also been exponentially blessed by what we’ve learned, who we’ve built relationships with, and how we’ve improved our business strategies.
I know primarily, I’m thankful for the call God put on my life those few years ago to start this business. I don’t count it mere coincidence the timing of our adopting our daughter and the shift in my corporate job found me at an important fork in my road. Without that extra push to incentivize me working from home, who knows where our lives would be today.
After I started working from home as a Virtual Assistant, the requests for my services started to become overwhelming. I couldn’t keep up with everyone who wanted to work with me, but I had an ah-ha moment when I realized I could find people to work with these potential clients in the ways they needed.
Whoever advises to keep work life out of one’s personal life is completely out of touch. It was because of my personal life that my work life drastically transformed. I can’t imagine not having the opportunity to stay home with our daughters and care for their needs, while simultaneously solving problems and dreaming big solutions from behind the desk in my home-office. My work life is thanks to my personal life, and my personal life is also in thanks to my work life. When all is said and done, I truly have the best of both words.
I’m thankful God saw fit to put my gifts and talents to good use in building Priority VA, and that I get to do what I love every day. It’s not always easy, or pleasant. But the rewarding days outweigh the struggles, and I know He put me in this role for a reason. Priority VA was His baby business before it was mine, and it excites me to care for this business alongside caring for my family.
Secondly, I’m thankful for my support system. With any business, having the right people in the right positions makes all the difference.
We have incredible clients, who are spearheading tremendous change in the world through their businesses. Our clients inspire me to be more, embrace life (and business), and never quit reaching for my highest potential. Some of my dearest friends are also clients of ours.
I’m amazed, every day, with the people I get to collaborate with. From the dream and vision stages of their business, to their celebrations post-successful-launches, I watch their business unfold and grow into the dream they wondered if they could make their reality.
We have incredible assistants, too. I’ve always said (and will always say), good character is the most successful trait any assistant can have. If you know all the online programs, business-speak, and have experience to list a mile long, it doesn’t make an ounce of difference if you’re not a person of strang character.
Honesty, integrity, and transparency are the life-tools that will take you the furthest. I have members on my team who I am incredibly proud of, and who have touched my life tremendously for more than being a great assistant. I have amazing stand-up VAs who have helped Priority VA maintain the reputation we’ve worked so hard to build.
One of my favorite parts about running Priority VA is pairing the right VA with the right assistant. Matches made in heaven come full-circle when they’re made in my business. I wouldn’t be able to do this without key players who show up every day, being their absolute best. Clients and assistants alike have a special place in my heart not simply for what they do, but for who they are.
As we head into the holiday season, I pray you take the time to reflect on all you’re grateful for. I pray you’re encouraged by what you uncover when you reflect on the past year, and see how far you’ve come, and who has been along with you for the ride. I pray you remember what you’re thankful for beyond this season, and adopt an attitude of gratitude for every aspect of your life. Your business is only a small part of who you are.
My gratitude has certainly helped shape my future plans, my next set of goals, and my blueprint for what lies ahead for Priority VA.
Be blessed, be encouraged, and be assured I’m thankful and grateful for you!
What’s one thing you’re thankful for this season? Comment below!