You are great at what you do, and it feels good to crush your goals and be recognized for what you do incredibly well.
But somewhere along the way, you became the Doer in your own business.
As owner and founder, you may be used to doing it all. You may have become a jack-of-all-trades in the start-up phase to scale your business faster, without having to spend money on outside help.
But to maintain forward momentum, you cannot remain the Doer.
Having a hand in every pot makes you a bottleneck. When your team needs to wait on your approval or input, it leads to stalled projects and stagnation.
Scaling your business requires you to step out of the role of a Doer and into the role of a Trusted Leader.
A trusted leader motivates his or her team to do great work, and empowers them to own their roles. This can only occur through delegation.
When your team does well, that is a positive reflection of your leadership.
But loosening your grip on work you used to do — or are really good at — is hard, and takes work.
As you start to flex your new delegation muscles, you may encounter some bumps in the road.
Here are 3 myths about delegation that may keep you from doing it successfully.
Myth #1. You should only hand off things you aren’t good at.
When you are multi-talented and know how to do marketing, generate killer content, supervise a team, and have a hand in IT, how do you know what you’re supposed to hand off?
Your instinct may be to only delegate the things you aren’t good at, like accounting or managing your inbox.
The truth is, delegating things you are good at, is just as important as delegating things that you aren’t good at.
The heart and soul of delegating are to get you back to doing things for your business that are the best use of your time.
Proficiency in an area is not a prerequisite for delegation.
If something isn’t helping you move the needle in your business, and you’re not passionate about it anyway, hand it off.
In the same way, if something isn’t helping you scale, but you like doing it, find a compromise. Let your team own that outcome 80% of the time, and invite you to push it across the finish line for the last 20%.
Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should.
Your role as a Trusted Leader is to pass on your strategies and processes to someone else who can become an expert in that area.
This creates room for you to focus on the areas of work that only you can do.
Only you can speak at an event, but your team can prepare your pitch. Only you can record a podcast, but your team can schedule guests.
Every role has elements that can be supported.
Myth #2. You can’t trust your team to do your quality of work.
Your business is your baby, and you don’t want just anybody playing with your baby. You worked hard to get your business to where it is, and loosening your grip will result in a loss of quality.
These are valid concerns that most founders and thought leaders share.
The truth is you can get the quality output without having to do the work yourself.
But it requires a different outlook. Instead of aiming for 100%, aim for 80%.
How often are you on 100% of the time? Everyone has their off days and makes mistakes. You need to apply this outlook to your team when you delegate.
If your team or Executive Virtual Assistant can crush their work 80% of the time, celebrate that.
A project that is 80% done by someone else, is so much better than you doing 20% and stalling out or losing focus because of competing commitments.
Create a framework that you want your team to follow, and communicate your standards for success. Trusted Leaders lead by example and do not micromanage, so resist the urge to tell them how to execute.
By giving your team the parameters, according to your vision and values, they will feel empowered to hit the mark — without you hovering.
Myth #3. You’re not worthy of getting help.
Even the most talented thought leaders and business owners can feel unworthy of help and support.
One of the reasons you feel unworthy is because what you need to delegate is the minutia, like responding to email, managing your calendar and purchasing office supplies
You start to make compromises, such as “If I can speak in front of hundreds of people, surely I can make my own travel arrangements!”
You may be good at managing these little things, and so then you get stuck with them on your plate.
But as previously stated, managing these little things is not the best use of your time.
It is far better to take five minutes to show an Executive Virtual Assistant how to make an online purchase than for these five-minute activities to add up into big portions of time over the course of a week or year.
Feeling unworthy has a root in false humility.
Humility is a healthy balance to the ego. Entrepreneurs need a measured ego to withstand the rigors of getting a new business off the ground.
Humility reminds entrepreneurs that success is rarely a one-person show. It is the result of many factors, and often other people.
Taken too far, humility can feel like martyrdom. You may make a habit of falling on your sword all the time and working at the expense of your sanity.
False humility will keep you from stepping into your true calling as a Trusted Leader.
You deserve success as a leader and you deserve to delegate the work that doesn’t support your new role.
Debunking these myths will put you back in a harmonious relationship with delegation.
Remember, when you let your team IN, you can step OUT.
This leaves you time to focus on creating the systems and processes needed to scale.
If you don’t know what systems and processes you need to build and scale your business, take our Free Momentum Assessment.
This assessment will ask you to evaluate seven areas of your business. Once completed (it only takes 5-10 minutes), you’ll learn what Stage of Scale your business is in along with information about which area of the business you must focus on in order to scale with momentum.