This stage requires a focus on Team Collaboration and Trust as a priority. You are likely growing but struggling to successfully scale your team-based business.

It’s time to clearly communicate Priority Outcomes that matter most to you as the Owner, cast vision on Priority Projects, and empower your team to collaborate with confidence so massive momentum in the business is achieved.

Your Priority Focus Must Be:

Prioritize Projects That Create Desired Outcomes and
Empower Your Team

When the right people can move through a well-planned project your business gains focus. Right now, this journey to set up expectations starts with you.

During Team Integration, the greatest threat to your business is missing the mark on failing to cast vision for each priority project and making costly mistakes due to miscommunication along with your failure to delegate to the team you trust.

Empowering your team is the most important leadership move you can make.

In the team stages of momentum, wading through all the ideas to figure out what to focus on first is only something you should be doing. You know how distractions and lack of planning impacts team collaboration better than anyone else and spending time in this area to define and communicate project outcomes is critical.

Need help during the Team Integration stage? Of course, you do!

We believe to our core no Owner or Executive should live without an Executive Virtual Assistant (EVA for short!). An Executive VA can radically serve to stabilize your life and business as a trusted gatekeeper, protector, liaison, and advocate.

The priority outcome for your EVA role is Executive Organizational Leadership.

Executive VA Areas of Ownership:

Inbox Management and Collaboration

Complex Calendar Management and Scheduling

Executive Priority Project Management and Coordination

Executive Travel Preferences, Budget, and Coordination

Attend Meetings - Create Meeting Minutes and Action Items

Event Planning and Budget Creation or Executive Team Support

Reporting, Research, and Purchasing for Executive Needs

The #1 Reason Businesses “Fail To Scale” Is Because They Don’t Have Systems That Create and Sustain Momentum

Business isn’t static –– it’s always in motion. At any given moment, your business is either moving forward or backwards. As a CEO, President, Founder, Thought Leader, or Business Owner –– you are the deciding factor. 

Your strengths as a leader got you where you are today, but to scale successfully you need systems that reflect and replicate your unique set of talents and distributes them among employees and customers. 

Isn’t It Time You Knew Exactly Who You Need On Your Team, What To Do Next, and How To Create Momentum To Achieve Your Desired Outcomes Working In Your Genius?

The Momentum Method™️ program helps Small Business Owners, Thought Leaders, and Executives identify who they are, who they need with them, and where they’re going next in business and life.